Monday 9 November 2015


Oven Baked Sea Bass

This is how I cook a whole fish, I add some herbs and seasoning. For some of us who doesn't like bones, you can use a filleted fish but cook it in lesser time. This recipe is perfect to eat with white rice or boiled potatoes. Eat it immediately once it's cooked to achieve a fresh and scrumptious fish dish.

Note: please adjust your ingredients to smaller or bigger portion, depends on how many servings you   want.


1 (380g) whole cleaned and gutted sea bass
1/4 C chopped parsley
2 pips of garlic
1 medium onion, quartered
1/4 bell pepper
4 pcs cherry plum tomatoes
1 lemon
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
pepper according to your taste


 Preheat oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Clean and wash the fish thoroughly in a cold running water. Remove all the sinews and blood in the gut. Pat dry with a kitchen towel. Get a roasting dish and line it with aluminium film that is long enough to fold it close later. Cut the tomatoes into halves, line some in the dish with the chopped garlic. Lay the fish and sprinkle some salt. Mix the parsley, tomatoes,  and onion, add into the fish. Peel the lemon, cut into half and squeeze it into the fish. Then put the lemon peel and bell pepper on top then sprinkle the remaining salt and pepper. pour olive oil and fold the foil to close. Bake for at least 30 minutes then turn it down to 200degrees and leave it for another 10 minutes. Take it out from the oven. Let it rest for at least 5 minutes[without opening the foil] before serving. Enjoy!

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